The benefits that hair oiling provides don’t see gender. And men are definitely missing out on a very natural and healthy trick by not adding this to their hair-care routine. Regular oiling of hair has shown positive results and proved to be very beneficial. Men, who put a lot of attention and effort to make their hair look good must add this to their grooming routine. So we have here, the amazing benefits of oiling hair that you must know.
Reduces dandruff
Are you irritated by the white dots on your shoulder? Do you also shy away when someone comes too close to you so that they don’t see your dandruff? Even after regular washing, you don’t know how to get rid of dandruff? Here’s the solution. Dandruff is the result of a dry scalp. The dry scalp also leads to itching, and they also make scabs and flakes visible. Oiling the hair regularly doesn’t let the scalp dry up and prevents dandruff. Continuing oiling the hair will also help to get rid of unnecessary itching.
Nourishes the hair
The oil contains various vitamins and micronutrients. They nourish the hair and make it look healthy. The hair needs some essential nutrients for its overall health, strength, sheen, and volume and oil provides it all. Hence oiling helps add the required shine to your hair.
Fights bacterial infections
Scabs, lice, and dryness are the visible signs which tell you that you have a bacterial infection. Folliculitis causes inflammation and appears like a small patch of red rash on the skin. Medical studies and research show that oil contains antifungal and antibacterial properties which work against the bacteria and fungi that help in causing folliculitis. So simple oiling can save you from grave bacterial infections.
Soothes the scalp
Massaging the hair with warm oil is known to increase blood circulation in the scalp, leading to a healthy scalp. Adding some natural ingredients like black pepper and hibiscus works wonders to nourish the scalp. The massage helps to distribute the nutrients all over the scalp, it relaxes the scalp and promotes hair growth. It is advised to massage the scalp regularly for better quality hair.
Stops frizz
While you are getting too used to using serums and hairsprays to control frizz, let me tell you that oiling also helps prevent frizz. Yes, your read that correctly. Besides providing many other benefits oil also helps to keep the frizz under control. Acting as a natural conditioner, it deep conditions the hair seeps deep to the roots of the hair into the scalp and manages the dryness and frizzy hair. Letting the oil stay overnight is also a great way for it to work and especially for curly hairs, it works wonders.
Never thought oiling can be of so much help? Well thanks to our busy schedule, and the humid climate of our country which calls for a dry and oil-free hair routine. But is taking a little time off for your hair care, is too much to ask for? Oil is a natural product where you don’t have to worry about the chemicals to work or their side effects. They play an important role and help protect the hair from regular wear and tear. Given these benefits of oiling hair now you can’t overlook the wonders oil does.
Bonus – Hair oils you can try
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